Monday, June 13, 2011


In our recent weekend rondevu with our home, placing final touches in the living room was essential. It's currently the oasis in our renovation desert of complete possibilities. We found many options for lights. For example, our living room had no main light, and simply had one small can light built into the ceiling. It was not centered in the room, neither horizontally or vertically. Odd, yes. However, we came up with a great plan.

Our home is French Country style (I mentioned that before - it's been in an identity crisis for a while now. We're providing therapy.) We are working to blend French country with our modern love for art, and our eclectic decorative items. With the lights, we chose a light bar that is both modern in sleek style, but old-worldish in color and shape. Placing a darker colored light bar on a white ceiling was a little out there for us, but it absolutely worked. The light bar is centered vertically, lights up the bookcase and that side of the room at night, while our floor lamp takes care of the rest. It is absolutely soothing and French Country stylish.

- B

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